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Lily Cárdenas, the importance of organizational culture in companies

Lily Cárdenas is Human Resources Manager at SIRSA Construcción, where they have managed to implement a collaborative culture.

For Lily Cárdenas Gutiérrez, leading the Human Resources area of SIRSA Construcción has been very enriching in both her professional and personal life.

She has always enjoyed spending quality time with people, as well as motivating and encouraging talent development, growth and improvement in any area of their lives.

"In this department we have been able to collaborate in defining a vision that allows us to know where we are heading as an organization, we have encouraged all employees to put their qualities at the service of the company, develop and grow day by day," commented Lily.

"We have developed assertive communication that allows us to visualize and anticipate intangible situations and work as a team, and we have achieved a collaborative culture, which allows us to work for something bigger than individual interest," she explained.

"At SIRSA we seek the constant growth and updating of our collaborators, so we are always looking for the best courses, training, readings, and conferences to be able to offer them the best learning tools," she added.


Organizational culture are those norms, values or principles that guide the company and are related to its structure, methods, behaviors, routines and ways of working that characterize the day to day in the office.

This allows differentiation between companies, the creation of a sense of belonging and the generation of commitments.

It is essential to involve employees in the definition of the organizational culture, asking them: "What adjectives would you use to describe our culture? People who do not fit the company's culture fail at work, even when they are highly talented in all other aspects," explains Lily.

What is the organizational culture like at SIRSA Construction?

"At SIRSA Construction we have created a culture around planning, self-fulfillment and group happiness that has allowed us to achieve everything we set out to do. Our culture is collaborative, not competitive, and our values are passion, perseverance, efficiency and respect".

Each one is defined as follows:

PASSION: Every project we take on we do it with the best disposition and the best desire to offer a good service.

CONSTANCE: We seek to be positive even in difficult situations, demonstrating strength and leadership.

EFFECTIVENESS: The quality of our service is indisputable, we have the best professionals and implemented processes.

RESPECT: We provide the best treatment and contribute to the growth of each member of the team, customers and suppliers with empathy and respect.

A company cannot function or achieve success without the key element: the right people.


One of the main objectives of the Human Resources department is to find the best talent, that is why it is essential to have a correct recruitment process.

At a time when all management processes have been evaluated and transformed, it is surprising that adequate attention has not been given to the recruitment process, which is where company building begins.

"One of the main failings of the recruitment process is to only look at the resume. In the end, the CV brings together all the person's experience, highlighting his or her achievements and eliminating his or her failures," warns Lily.

How should a proper recruitment process be carried out?

1. Development of a scorecard that includes the mission, results and competencies required for the position, which will allow expectations to be established and progress to be monitored.

2. Constant search for the best candidates through references, recruiters, recruiting platforms, job boards, or social networks.

3. Selection process that includes a series of interviews that will allow you to get to know the candidates and choose those with experience in the position, skills aligned to the culture and functions, and passion for the job.

4. The process is over until the candidate becomes your employee, so you must do whatever it takes to convince him or her. People value companies where the vision matches their plans, where their family is comfortable, where they have the freedom to make decisions, where their work is adequately compensated, and where they can have a good time. In the end, your job is what you spend most of your time doing.

"A proper recruiting process will allow you to get the right people in the right jobs. The right person is the one who shares the company's values; fits and thrives within the culture; and makes the organization a better place," he said.

People must understand, want, and have the ability to execute the position.

"It is essential that people understand their role, the culture and systems, like what they do, and have the capabilities and tools to do their job well," he concluded.

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